Monday, May 31, 2010

Hiking at Burg Rabenstein

So, I took a hiking trip back in the beginning of March and it really was fun.  A little delayed on posting the pics, but still fun to see.  It looks colder than it was.  Winter is pretty mild here.
This particular region is in Franconia and is known for it's mountains, cliffs and caves.  Burg Rabenstein is this castle.
One of the delights of living here is that there castles are everywhere in Germany.  You are constantly discovering a new one as you drive along.

Bamberg Field Trip

On a military base students are leaving and entering into the room all year long.  This picture is minus a few boys.  I started with 25 students this year, lost 8 and gained 5 at different times throughout the year.

Morgan's Wonderland

I cry each time I watch it.....

Love at First Sight!