Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kurbisfest, October 3

Kurbisfest is held every year in Altendorf,  a cute little Bavarian town about 15 miles from Bamberg.  Kurbis means pumpkin.  My friends & I rode our bikes there and had a good time walking around.  We tried pumpkin brats, pumpkin Secco (champagne), zwiebelkuchen (an onion tart) and then rode back.  It was a beautiful day and a lot of fun!

Painted on this pumpkin it says:
Herzlich Willkommen
(A heart-felt Welcome)
Zum Kurbisfest
(to Pumpkin Fest)
 Every town & village in Bavaria has a church in the center,
along with a fountain,
and then the houses are clustered around them.
There will also be a crucifix statue, Mary, 
and several on the sides of buildings as well.
In addition every town has a Herzlich Willkommen sign
welcoming you to their town 
and an Auf Wiedersehen sign
saying good-bye as you leave.

 Many people just opened up their garages 
and put some tables inside for the fest.

 Noah's Ark

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