Monday, December 1, 2008

Here's Hoping...

Teachers live for snow days.

So, they predict snow and my thoughts turn to:
"I hope we get at least 4 inches and that the snow hits in the middle of the night so the plows won't have a chance to catch up to it all".
Then I start to make a mental list of all the things I could do with a free day....

Then I go to bed and check out the window. There's nothing.
In the middle of the night I have to go to the bathroom and I check out the window again. There's nothing.

I'm still completely hopeful even so.

Wake up, look out the window and, you guessed it, there's only a dusting. If you can call it that.
Complete disappointment. I wish I were up north.
Once again, everywhere but the Metro Detroit area got lots of snow. Boo Hiss.

But, a glimmer of hope exists. We might get snow on Thursday........

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